If you think a little bit about it, you are getting the same 24 hours as everyone else.
Getting things done is not only about skills and knowledge. It is also about the person’s willingness and commitment towards the work. Doesn’t matter how big or small the work is. The work might be as small is just getting the empty glass to the table at the proper place. Or it might be as big as getting the entire work of a business done. Doesn’t matter what type of work it is. The main thing that matters is the willingness to do the work.
There are several elements that take play into getting something done properly. There is one nature common in every single work in the world. And that is the time for the work. Every work has its own timeline in which it should be done. That’s one thing. There are many other small and big elements that actually determine the topic of getting things done.
A day has 1,440 minutes – are you doing enough to make every minute count?
As humans, we are born procrastinators. The word tomorrow seems like our favorite word as we casually give in to the countless temptations that surround us. But how many hours or minutes are we actually spending doing things that take us closer to our long-term goals?
This book of to do list formula is made for the readers to get the best out of their productivity and make the lives better than before. You are getting:
· Easy tips of making your productivity boosted
· Tips for being more capable at something
· Getting the confidence to do the work that you have in the way that they should be done
· Easy approach on a vocabulary level, making it easier to understand and get into the subject matter of the book
Are we doing enough to make them a reality or just giving in to how things are moving and at what pace? Whenever we get down to listing the things we need to do to get “there”, there is always tons on our to-do list. Take a moment to think about something you have been meaning to do in the past few days but haven’t gotten around to doing.
You know it will happen if you just squeeze in some time for it in the day. But isn’t more time the one thing you keep running after and searching for? Even when you have all the necessary resources and action plans, you still fail to do it. Ever wondered why? What if the culprit is more than just your lazy bum? What if you really don’t have the time or energy for it? Here’s the thing: the way you schedule tasks and goals and the way they are accomplished or delegated plays a crucial role. In a way, you can say it is directly proportional to your success or failure.
How you use the limited amount of hours to your best means determines if you will come out as a victor or once again postpone it to a later date. So, what matters is the way you manage your time and make the most of it. This is what this book is going to be about – time management.
Managing your time empowers you to achieve a greater control of your tasks and goals. When you can manipulate time on your terms, you feel more confident. You become better at dealing with the slip-ups that happen and respond accordingly, rather than just being blocked by them. But before we talk more about time and the many different aspects of it, it is important that we discover what it truly means and more importantly, what it doesn’t.
Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to master the skills of increasing your productivity of life.
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From the Publisher
Publication date : March 17, 2020
Language : English
File size : 3119 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 109 pages
Page numbers source ISBN : B087FJD6QC
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