A master course on embodying the qualities of a true leader – from a trailblazer of somatic learning
What’s the difference between a leader who has to rely on coercion and authority, and a leader who actually inspires? It’s not about how many seminars they’ve taken, books they’ve read, or “best practices” they can name. The key difference is embodiment. “People sense the presence of a good leader,” says Dr. Richard Strozzi-Heckler, “by the way they carry themselves, how they show up, and the energy they project. To develop this presence, we need to bring the focus of learning into the body. This opens up access to all aspects of our intelligence – intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and physical.”
Make the leap from knowing about leadership to living it.
Embodied Leadership brings the powerful training curriculum developed by Strozzi Institute to audio for the first time. This system – based on neuroscience research, somatic practices, and the martial arts – has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches, and growth-minded individuals discover the full potential available in the body. In these six sessions, you’ll discover:
Embodied learning – how to instill new competencies into your entire selfThe Leadership Dojo – establishing a daily practice to build true masteryThe five components of leadership presenceMoving beyond your conditioning, reactivity to perceived threats, and unconscious biasWays to create empowering new habitsExtending your excitement and energy from a place of centered balanceConscious communication – listening, observing, and inspiring othersHow embodied leaders create the future – and transform the world
True leadership can’t be faked or imitated – it arises only when our minds, bodies, and spirits are operating in full integrity. “If you practice with commitment”, says Dr. Strozzi-Heckler, “you’ll emerge from this course as a different person – with a presence that brings out greatness in yourself and those you serve.”
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