The Thriving Scribes Planner is a productivity workbook and planner designed specifically for self-publishing authors. It will guide authorpreneurs toward planning their year with intention and purpose. Get ready to plan some epic authorship goals, up your productivity, and design the author business of your dreams.
It’s time to get started on your journey.
Here’s what you’ll discover in the Thriving Scribes Planner:
– The PLAN section will help you to review the previous year and clarify your purpose, vision, and goals.
– The WRITE section will help you to review, prioritize, and strategize your marketing and publishing game plan.
– And the THRIVE section uses a productivity framework to help you implement your plans and objectives, and to schedule, track, and evaluate your progress.
This 375-page Thriving Scribes Planner is undated, designed to be picked up at any time of the year and has plenty of space to hold your creative thoughts, ideas, and scribbles.
About the Author
Brit Poe is an Author, Coach, & Business Strategist who helps indie authors thrive in their author journey through a combination of systems, strategy, & mindset practices. Learn more about her programs and products for authors over at ThrivingScribes.com
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